This is the second part of my year of photos. I published some of these on my blog, yet some haven't seen the light of day. I hope they help make up for the lack of photos.
July: Loveland was a great, and full of family friendly statues (Right). There was barely any room for more side dishes on the table. Susan seems to agree (Left). Read about my adventures in Jeju.
July: A tugboat pulling some evasive manouvers (Above). In a more serene setting, a lava stone statue chills by a stream (Right).
September: I met a girl, Corwin (Above). I believe this is the only photo of the two of us. A better photo of Corwin, mostly because I'm not in it to ruin it (Below). I love the chinese writing in the background. This fisherman seemed single as he waited for the fish to bite (Right). I loved the giant jax type water breaks they use in Korea.
September: Dinner of champions, or birthdays, in Sokcho. Well this is what is left of one(Above). The markets in Korea offer food straight off the ground, bag or bowl (Both pictures below). My return to Sokcho.
October: The Hi Seoul Festival had one of the most impressive fireworks displays I've ever seen, despite the rain (above).
November: In front of a temple in Suwon, a Korean skips down a tightrope (Right). He would later incorperate a pelvic thrust into his routine. I was hiding inside a bin used to store rice in previous centuries (Below). The story behind the box: A member of the royal family was stored in a box as a form of torture.
October: One of my favourite students left, I was really sad when I found out. This is the only picture I have, his name is Matt.
December: FC Seoul won the K-League Championship. I went to the last 7 games, I've started to really like soccer. I love already confetti, and what a great way to end this segment, yay confetti!!
WOW Sean these pictures are amazing! I had no idea you where such a photographer! Great eye for each shot! Plus it's amazing to see what your up to and everything you're experiencing! I'm jealous by the way! haha Hope you have a great Christmas coz make sure to keep the photos coming! Stacy xo